Giving gifts during the holidays is a great way to show appreciation to employees for their dedication and hard work throughout the year. This time, we present “Sparks of Light” – a Hanukkah gift distribution fair at Cognyte.
We used tablet self-registration stations for the gift distribution, so each employee entered their details upon arrival at the fair. After registering, employees received personal barcodes directly to their mobile devices.
Various booths were set up at the fair, each offering a different gift. To manage the distribution process, we used our mini-event system. This system allowed real-time tracking of the gift inventory at each booth, ensuring that every employee received one of each type of gift.
For the employees themselves, the process was quick and simple – at each booth, they were scanned and in return received another high-quality and special gift.
Sparks of Light was a spectacular two-day event, ensuring that all employees had the chance to attend and experience the holiday atmosphere.
We’ve attached a few photos below for you to get an impression of the event.
We take this opportunity to wish a Happy Hanukkah to all our clients and colleagues, hoping for calmer and more peaceful days ahead.