Israel Information Technology Conference

באנר ועידת ישראל לטכנולוגיות מידע

The Israel Information Technology Conference, the leading and comprehensive business-technology conference in Israel, took place yesterday, April 7, 2024.

It provided an excellent opportunity for over 3,000 participants to engage in business and professional networking with executives from various fields including business, private, public, government, security, industry, high-tech, academia, and more.

In addition to the fascinating main plenary, the conference program featured eight unique professional tracks covering topics such as digital health, IT infrastructure and cloud, innovative learning technologies, and cybersecurity and information security.

Furthermore, the conference included an expo with about 50 exhibitors and an innovation and AI zone.

So, what Forms-Wizard systems were used at the conference?

Registration Form

This is our starting point in most cases, and here too we began with the creation of a registration form for the conference.

Since the conference required payment, the form was linked to a payment gateway to enable credit card transactions. At the same time, discount codes were used to allow association members to register for free.

Website with Multiple Pages

For such a significant conference, there is a lot of information to share with registrants. Therefore, a multi-page website (or “multipage” site as we call it) was set up to provide visitors with a quality user experience while avoiding information overload.

The website included pages with information about the conference program, speakers, partners, the exhibition, and even details about previous conferences. The site is still live, and you can view it here.

Access Control and Name Tags

So many participants = so many name tags!

For the attendees who arrived at the conference, name badges were produced at the registration desks based on the information they provided at registration. Each badge production was recorded in the system, allowing real-time tracking of conference attendance data.

Lead Gathering System for Exhibitors

This system allows exhibitors to scan the name tags of visitors at their booths to obtain their contact details based on the information they entered during conference registration.

This process is designed to save visitors and exhibitors the hassle of exchanging business cards or trying to dictate an email address in the middle of a busy expo hall.

The system was very active at the conference, with thousands of leads scanned at various booths, with the highest number of leads coming from the booth handing out ice cream—who would have thought…

Planning your next conference? Have questions about the Forms-Wizard system?

We’d love to hear from you!

Published: 8.4.2024