Bynet Expo 2024

Bynet Expo 2024, held at the end of May, attracted thousands of visitors who wished to experience leading-edge and innovative technology. The conference featured captivating keynotes, 100 exhibitors, 6 tracks, workshops, and interactive demo booths.

Through the impressive exhibition area and diverse content tracks, participants were able to explore a variety of technologies providing solutions for organizations regarding modernization, cloud computing, DevOps environments, practical AI applications, and intelligent data utilization. The expo also showcased information security solutions, as-a-Service offerings, computing solutions, data center technologies, and digital solutions for enhancing customer relationships.

This year, we participated in the conference by constructing a customized conference website using Forms-Wizard, and implementing a unique registration process. In addition, we were on-site with access control, name tags, a lead collection system, and our B2B platfor for scheduling 1:1 meetings.

Conference Website

Given the scale of the conference, there was much to share and discuss. Hence, a multipurpose information website was created using Forms-Wizard. As you may already know, this site was built swiftly and conveniently using our system, with various pages designed for different types of content.

The stated goal of the conference website? To encourage registrations among visitors.

How do we achieve this? By extensively detailing the conference program, content tracks, professional content presentations, exhibitor sponsorships, conference location, and more.

Registration Form

Conference registration was free, but included a private approval process by the Bynet team. Additionally, multiple links to the same form were circulated, tailored to different types of registrants. For example, employees of Bynet and VIP clients were presented with different questions in the form compared to regular participants.

Access Control and Name Tags

Upon participants’ arrival at the conference venue, they were provided with name tags by the excellent registration staff at the registration desk or independently at kiosk stations. Different types of badges were produced based on participants’ registration types and choices made in the registration form.

Lead Collection System

In such a large and impressive exhibition, lead collection was a crucial part of the proceedings. Our lead system enabled exhibitors at the exhibition to scan visitors’ badges to obtain their contact details as entered during the conference registration process. Thousands of leads were scanned during the conference, in a quick and efficient process that spared exhibitors the need to manually exchange details with every visitor at their booth.

B2B Platform

Bynet Expo 2024 provided a unique networking opportunity for visitors, and to facilitate this, we established a B2B platform allowing visitors to schedule 1:1 meetings in the dedicated B2B area of the conference. Dozens of meetings were pre-scheduled, and many more spontaneous meetings took place throughout the day.


We were delighted to take part in Bynet Expo 2024.

Do you have any questions about our services? We would love to hear from you!

Published: 29.7.2024