Happy Passover from Forms-Wizard

Despite the lockdown, we are experiencing this year during Passover, mentally we are all together, and we wanted to wish you all a Happy Passover from Forms-Wizard

פורמס וויזרד ברכת פסח שמח

In addition to the donation forms and the COVID-19 information sites we have recently set up, we wanted to tell you about how we are already assisting several companies with the operation of virtual conferences.

Virtual Conferences

We are sure you’ve already managed conference calls and video meetings via Zoom, Webex, Skype, and similar platforms recently.

Since all the conferences that were scheduled for the coming months have been canceled, many companies are choosing to convert their conferences into virtual events using these same tools.

Virtual conferences allow you to stay connected with your existing customer base and also provide an excellent way to showcase your products and services to potential new clients.

Unlike “regular” conferences, virtual conferences have very minimal expenses, primarily covering the setup of the conference website, broadcast pages, and registration forms.

In other words, with a relatively small investment, you can achieve broad exposure and attract attention to your brand, all according to the goals you have set for yourself.

Information Sites for Virtual Conferences

So, what content should you prepare for your virtual conference?

Here’s a short and practical list:

On the same site, we will embed the registration form for the conference and also prepare a page where we will host your webinar/live broadcast. The decision whether the broadcast is open to the public or only for those registered for the conference is up to you.

Contact us if you need a site for your next virtual conference, and most importantly: have a happy Passover from the Forms-Wizard team!

לפטופ וכוס קפה